BREAKING: Nigerian Army Sacks 3,040 Soldiers, Give Reasons, Full Details
It was a sad moment for army as Nigerian Army Sacks 3,040 Soldiers
Authorities of the Nigerian Army have Ordered the dismissal (discharge) of 3,040 soldiers from service for various offences including the use and possession of hard drugs, involvement in rape cases, going on AWOL and perpetrating Murder.
Many others were sent packing for chickening out during Battle while others engaged in forgery, drunkenness, disobedience to order’s, absence from duty/parade and failure to perform military duty.
Sources including those affected said some soldiers were discharged for insubordination, extortion, defilement, BVN issues, and conduct prejudicial to service discipline.
Furthermore, some soldiers were dismissed for conspiracy, ‘misfire,’ stealing, impersonation, attempted rape, assault, the unlawful release of prisoners and cheating.
Sources said the names of the discharged Soldiers whose compilation dated as far back as 2018 contained in a 90-page document with the title, “List of soldiers dismissed from the Nigerian Army”.
The document further said more than 1,000 soldiers were discharged for going on AWOL (Away Without Leave), while hundreds of others were sacked for desertion.
More than 20 others were equally dismissed for having Relationships and foreign spouses pregnancy without marriage.
The Army also toọk punitive measures against Soldiers caught in the act of attempting to have sex with a colleague’s wife, behaving contrary to service discipline by attending civilian burials in military uniforms due to pecuniary gains, negligence and loss of ammunition, theft of rifles and sleeping on sentry duty, as well as travelling without a pass.
Nigerian Army Sacks 3,040 Soldiers
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