VIDEO: Power-drunk Nigerian University Lecturer Harasses, Assaults Student Over Refusal To Switch Off Mobile Phone

VIDEO: Power-drunk Nigerian University Lecturer Harasses, Assaults Student Over Refusal To Switch Off Mobile Phone

VIDEO: Power-drunk Nigerian University Lecturer Harasses, Assaults Student Over Refusal To Switch Off Mobile Phone

A 200-level student of physics at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state, simply identified as Gift was harassed and assaulted by a university lecturer, Dr K.F. Ariyo.

A video caught the lecturer punching and assaulting the student while battling to ensure the student switched off his phone as instructed.

According to the maker of the video, the only thing Gift did was to mistake the class for one of his lectures and he decided to leave immediately after he realised he was in the wrong class.

But the lecturer reportedly “called him back and held him hostage with the help of a security officer without explaining what his offence was”.

Giving more details on what transpired between the duo, the Alliance of Nigerian Students Against Neo-Liberal Attacks (ANSA) in a statement dated November 8, 2023, described the lecturer as a serial abuser, who had assaulted many students.

The statement therefore urged the university students’ union government to intervene and probe what happened between Gift and Dr K.F. Ariyo.

The statement said such an investigation was necessary to avoid students employing illegal means to secure protection over the “persistent inhuman treatments” they were subjected to in the hands of the lecturers in recent times.

The statement reads: “The physical attack on Gift, a part 2 Physics student by one Dr K.F. Ariyo is shocking but not surprising as cases of physical assault is fast becoming a norm on the campus. Gift walked into Dr Ariyo’s class by accident while looking for the venue of his own lecture between the hours of 8-9am this morning was accosted in the most belligerent form by the lecturer.

“It is important to note that this was one of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering classes taken place at White House in Physics department where the he belonged. After entering the class he was prevented from leaving by the lecturer who by this time had levelled a barrage of accusations against him.

“He then called the security unit at White House who proceeded according to a trending video to frisk the student lifting up his arms forcefully as the lecturer ordered the security man to collect his phone. When they realised that the student was non-compliant they began pushing and dragging him.

“In the midst of these tense situation, Gift reached for his phone and in order to call for help. By now the lecturer was yelling at him to switch off his phone, so he had to ask the lecturer what his offence was. This was when the power-drunk lecturer pounced on him dragged the phone out of his hands lifting Gift from the ground severally in the process and gave him a punch in the occipital condyle afterwards.

“While doing this, Dr Ariyo kept repeating ‘you can’t be more than me’. This is a sign of inferiority complex in a figure that should stir up the learning spirit in students.

“Moreso, this unprovoked attack is a cult-like act which will breed nothing but fear in the university community. Several testimonies have equally emerged that the lecturer in question is a serial abuser and that many a student has fallen victim of his verbal abuse and physical assault.

“The rise and emboldening of elements like him is due in part to the perennial attacks of the union by the university management and the treacherous bootlicking of past and present union representatives who have made themselves lackeys of the university management.

“Should cases like this persist unanswered students are bound to look for means of protection such as joining neo-fascist gangs bringing back the horrifying days of cultism on our campus. This could also increase cases of assault and bullying among students.

“If the union does not swing into decisive action to get #Justice4Gift, then it goes without saying that worse days are ahead for students. The way the union representatives will handle this matter is will be a crucial determinant of whether or not such will happen again or if it will take an even worse form. We have not quickly forgotten how the assault of a student by the former Welfare Director, Dada Arafat, was swept under the carpet by union executives.

“Furthermore, students are still reeling from the docile handling of the more than 11 students still in EFCC detention till now. As far as we are concerned, students must take the bull by the horn and demand an open moderation of the case lead by the union executives in a venue where the generality of students can participate in this moderation and give the necessary punishment to the lecturer. He must be forced to pay the health bill of the student and be made to foot the bill for the replacement of all the student’s property damaged by him.

“The White House security unit must also be held responsible for this travesty of justice and the complicity of the security operative in the assault. He dragged the victim of the lecturer abuse to the security post but left the assailant untouched. This bias is why this case must be settled in an open moderation of Great Ife students as the school security cannot be a judge in their own case.”

The OAU Public Relations Officer, Mr. Abiodun Olanrewaju confirmed to SaharaReporters that the incident happened on Wednesday morning.

According to him, what happened between the lecturer and the students does not reflect the core values and ideology of the institution.

He added that the university management had commenced an investigation into the matter and that appropriate action would be taken on the issue.

He said, “The Vice-Chancellor is not happy about the development. The video that is trending is not in our character. It does not reflect anything about OAU. We are taking steps about that video and we apologise to those whose credibilities are assaulted by that video.”

“The university management is seriously looking into it and the management will take appropriate action,” he added.

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